The Arafura and Timor seas (ATS) region is shared by Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Timor Leste, considered as one of the world’s most productive marine ecosystems, sustaining both s…
This book delves into strategies and approaches aimed at advocating for sustainable practices to foster the resilience of coastal communities. The focus lies in environmental sustainability and the…
Indonesia is an archipelagic country where most of its territory meets the ocean with 17,540 islands, and a coastline stretching over 95 thousand kilometers. Indonesia has an abundant and diverse m…
The satellites and GIS based utilizations have been widely used as tools to assist the managers, stakeholders and government to develop the sustainable marine protected areas …
Marine environments in southeast Asia are a complex mosaic of shallow continental shelves and deep oceanic basins. Diverse habitats include river estuaries, mangroves, sea graass beds, sandy beache…
Untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia kelautan dan perikanan secara merata dan berkeadilan dalam mendukung pembangunan kelautan dan perikanan, Badan Pengembangan SUmber Daya Manusia Kelau…