Growth of tilapia male is better than female. Practically, cultured of all male populationare more efficient than that of mixed sex population. Sex reversal with 17-methyltestosteron…
Dalam rangka peningkatan produksi ikan nila, maka dilakukan kegiatan pembentukan ikan nila toleran salinitas tinggi strain nila merah yang tumbuh cepat di perairan payau. Kegiatan perbaikan genetik…
The pond bottom soil of Inceptisols mixed with Ultisols (I-U) and Vertisols (I-G) with the proportion of (70:30); (50:50); (30:70) showed the improvement of clay fractions > 30% compared with the c…
Tilapias are indigeneous species to Africa, but interest in their aquaculture potential has led to nearly worldwide distribution of the species within the past fifty years. The most popular species…
The aim of this research was to investigate the nutritive composition (especially fatty acids) in red tilapia that was reared in freshwater and brackishwater. The fatty acid contents were determine…