Dengan meningkatnya populasi global, menyediakan makanan yang cukup untuk memenuhi permintaan yang meningkat telah menjadi tantangan besar bagi sektor-sektor penghasil makanan. Akuakultur merupakan…
Instead of culturing tiger shrimp that is frequently burdened by mass mortality, whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) is then considered as an alternative commodity in Indonesian brackishwater po…
Vibriosis is one of main diseases of the black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon infected by pathogenic bioluminous bacterium Vibrio harveyi that can cause mass mortalities in shrimp culture. …
At the Leibniz-Center for Tropical Marine Ecology in Bremen, Germany, shrimps (Litopenaeus vannamei) fed feeds with reduced fish meal content, algae and enzyme additions were analysed for their tis…
Blue shrimp disease is one of the main problems in tiger shrimp culture. It reduces shrimp quality which eventually will decrease its market price. Blue shrimp is caused by deficiency of nutrition …
The use of local probiotics in the culture of aquatic organisms is increasing with the demand for more environmental-friendly aquaculture practices. The local bacterium isolate considered as a prob…
One of the technologies to improve the productivity of shrimp farms are environmentally friendly shrimp farming multitrophic integrated system known as Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture (IMTA). T…
The role of tiger shrimp defense against invading pathogen on molecular level such antiviral gene expression is limited to be reported. Gene expression is a process which codes information of genes…
Penelitian tentang kandungan senyawa kimia spon laut Petrosia sp. yang berasal dari Sumatera Barat telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi dan menguji aktivitas sitotoksis senya…
The wide exploration of interferon (IFN)s in vertebrates for medical purposes has attracted researchers to investigate the existence of a similar role of interferon in other organisms such as inver…
Bycatch is the unwanted or non-target part of the catch taken by fishermen. It is either discarded at sea or used for human or animal consumption. The capture bycatch may pose a threat to species d…
One of the most popular techniques in mass production of all or nearly all male tilapia population is through sex reversal. However, cross mating of YY super male with regular brood-stock is gainin…
Practices that can be used to improve the efficiency and reduce the negative environmental impacts of shrimp farming are presented. The practices were developed specifically for shrimp culture in L…
Terbitan jurnal ilmu-ilmu perairan dan perikanan Indonesia edisi Juni 2004 ini memuat 11 artikel ilmiah dengan beberapa judul diantaranya: 1. Derajat investasi ektoparasit hirudinea piscicola sp. …
This publication presents six main articles and one short communication article. The journal may cover a wide range of diciplines related to fisheries resources and capture, aquaculture technology,…
Udang merupakan komoditi ekspor terbesar bagi perikanan Indonesia, dan sebagian besar udang yang diekspor dalam bentuk potong kepala (headless), sehingga limbah kepala udang tidak termanfaatkan. Da…
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of producing juvenile shrimp in a reservoir pond constructed in acid sulphate soils (ASS). Many ponds constructed in ASS pose a significant…