Indonesia is rich of giant fresh water prawn (GFP) germ plasms. Best utilization of these resources for the purpose of either aquaculture development or conservation of genetic resources requires s…
Flying fish, Hirundichthy oxycephalus is one of economically important marine species to Indonesia, particularly in Makassar Strait and Flores Sea. However, there is a limited published data on gen…
Penelitian mengenai variasi genetik dari hibridisasi 3 varian ikan nila (BEST, Red NIFI, dan Nirwana) telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Molekuler Biologi, Balai Riset Perikanan Budidaya Air Tawar (BR…
The study was based on eight specimens from a single population of Palembang pufferfish. We used a comprehensive approach comprise behavioral record, the Random Amplified Polymorphism DNA technique…
Evaluasi variasi genetik ikan jelawat yang dikoleksi dari alam dan kegiatan budidaya telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan marker RAPD. Sampel berupa sirip dari kedua stok tersebut diekstraksi dan dia…
Evaluasi variasi genetik ikan beronang, Siganus guttatus telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui keragaman genetik di alam dalam upaya mendukung pembenihan secara terkontrol. Sampel ikan beronang diperole…
Ikan gabus di Indonesia awalnya hanya terdapat di Barat garis Wallace (Sumatera, Jawa, dan Kalimantan) yang kemudian diintroduksi ke Indonesia bagian Timur. Ikan gabus termasuk ke dalam deretan ika…
Inbreeding has been one of central issues with regard to genetic quality of aquaculture species, including giant fresh water prawn (GFP). Conventional methods for the estimation of inbreeding level…
This journal is contained by article: 1. Optimal electroporation condition for sperm mediated gene transfer in stripped catfish (Pangasionodon hypophthalmus) 2. Production and bioactivity potential…
1. Budidaya udang vaname sistem bioflok 93-97; 2. Sumberdaya genetik ikan, aset yg masih tidur 98-101; 3. Sekilas tentang beberapa jenis ikan hias air tawar yg dilarang masuk ke Indonesia 102-108…
One of the most popular techniques in mass production of all or nearly all male tilapia population is through sex reversal. However, cross mating of YY super male with regular brood-stock is gainin…