This book is purposed to be used as reference and guide book to add knowledge regarding the ocean and its cycles and processes. This book is also give explanation based from the experts theory rega…
Buku ini menjelaskan tentang pelaksanaan Konferensi Our Ocean mengangkat tema “Laut Kita, Warisan Kita”. Tema ini dipilih untuk memotivasi kita semua, bangsa Indonesia, dan seluruh warga dunia …
The effects of Indian Ocean Dipole Mode and El Niño–Southern Oscillation events on catches of YellowfinTuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Eastern Indian Ocean (EIO) off Java were evaluated throug…
Oceans 2020 presents a comprehensive assessment of the most important science and societal issues that are likely to arise in marine science and ocean management in the next twenty years. Sponsored…
Pelagic and demersal fishes will be live well in the waters which have a lot of their food which is indicated as ocean productivity. The sea surface productivity could be detecte…
This publication is about Biology of the Tropical Eel, Anguilla bicolor , in the Indonesian Waters in International Eel Symposium : Conservation, Managament, and Trade of Eels in Indonesia in Jakar…
Badan Pusat statisitik pada tanggal 5 Agustus 2014 yang lalu mengeluarkan rilis pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia pada Triwulan 2 tahun 2014. Seiring dengan adanya rilis terbaru tersebut, lagi-lagi sej…
Feeding habit of tuna in Indian Ocean has been described around Sri Lanka, Indian Waters, Andaman Sea, western Indian Ocean (Seychelles Islands), western equatorial Indian Ocean whereas the tunas f…
This book is contained by the article of 2017 Korea International Cooperation Conference on Oceans and Fisheries. September 4th (Mon)- 8th (Fri) 2017 in 22F Sky Hall, Haeundae Grand Hotel, Busan, K…
Incidental by-catch and associated discarding are difficult to estimate on the basis of logbook information because they are poorly reported by fishing masters and their importance varies with seve…
Pelagic fishes such as bullet and frigate tuna in the Indian Ocean were caught in Indian Ocean of Indonesian jurisdiction using various fishing gears including, drifting gillnet and landed in vario…
Billfishes area by cacth of tuna long line vessels in Indian Ocean. Billfish are consist of swordfish Xiphiasgladius, black marlin Makairaindica, indo facific blue marlin Makairamazara, stripe marl…
Billfishes area by cacth of tuna long line vessels in Indian Ocean. Billfish are consist of swordfish Xiphiasgladius, black marlin Makairaindica, indo facific blue marlin Makairamazara, stripe marl…
Albacore (Thunnus alalunga - ALB) catch was the second highest tuna landed at Benoa Fishing Port and they are mostly landed as frozen bycatch. This paper attempts to provide information on ALB catc…
This book is purposed to explained the research regarding the interaction between society and the ocean in the United States. This book using 3 critical elements as the basic, they are understandin…
WORLD HERITAGE Nature & Culture Under The Protection of UNESCO ( Edisi Bahasa Indonesia) dapat dipergunakan sebagai referensi untuk memperkaya ilmu pengetahuan, khususnya dalam mengenal dan memperd…
Buku ini membahas mengenai kebebasan arus laut serta melampirkan gambar sebagai alat untuk memperjelas
Artikel yang diterbitkan dalam Jurnal edisi kali ini sebanyak lima artikel yang meliputi : (1) Analisa Kadar Emisi Gas Buang Kapal Nelayan yang Menggunakan Bahan Bakar Minyak Oplosan dalam Kaitann…
The effects of climate change, combined with the chemical and litter pollution of our oceans, present further serious issues. As a consequence of climate change, our oceans become warmer, water lev…
Terbitan Oseana Volume XL Nomor 3 tahun 2015, diawali oleh Artikel tentang 1. “Sinopsis Teripang Indonesia; Dulu, Sekarang dan yang Akan Datang” oleh Ana Setyastuti. 2. “Resistensi Bakteri Pa…