Growth of marine copepods is influenced by feed. The purposes of this trial were to observe both growth and fatty acid compositions of harpacticoid copepod nauplii, Tisbe holothuriae by feeding wit…
The growth of the dinoflagellate, Scrippsiella sp. from Narragansett Bay, USA and the chain-forming benthic diatom, Melosira cf. moniliformis from Kendari Bay, Indonesia was evaluated under optimiz…
Biofuel merupakan salah satu alternatif pengganti bahan bakar fosil yang bahan bakunya berasal dari berbagai sumberdaya hayati. Salah satu penyedia bahan baku untuk produksi biofuel adalah mikroalg…
At the Leibniz-Center for Tropical Marine Ecology in Bremen, Germany, shrimps (Litopenaeus vannamei) fed feeds with reduced fish meal content, algae and enzyme additions were analysed for their tis…
Microalgae concentrates (paste) can be used as an alternative feed to replace live microalgae for aquaculture due to its nutritional value and convenience. However, the clumping of cells and negati…
One of the most popular techniques in mass production of all or nearly all male tilapia population is through sex reversal. However, cross mating of YY super male with regular brood-stock is gainin…