Pusat Penddikan dan Pelatihan Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia (selanjutnya disebut Pusdiklat) berdiri pada tahun 1973. Sebelumnya, pusdiklat bernama Akademi Dinas Luar Negeri (ADLN)
Sequencing ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes is currently the method of choice for phylogenetic reconstruction, nucleic acid based detection and quantification of microbial diversity. The ARB software sui…
In this review we evaluate whether universal behavioral and metabolic mechanisms exist, which permit marine proto- and metazooplankton to persist in continuously food-limited environments such as t…
Marine Parasitology is an important field in aquatic science. Because of its close linkeage to other fields in marine sciences such as fisheries, mariculture, fish ecology and environmental monitor…