Jurnal Pengelolaan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (JPHPI) saat ini sudah masuk review Scopus. JPHPI dengan focus scope hasil riset terkait bahan baku hasil perairan, bioteknologi dan pasca panen hasil p…
Jurnal Pengelolaan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (JPHPI) saat ini sudah masuk review Scopus. JPHPI dengan focus scope hasil riset terkait bahan baku hasil perairan, bioteknologi dan pasca panen hasil p…
This journal contains seven original articles, the title is: 1. Decreasing shrimp sizes off Newfoundland and Labrador-environment or fishing 2. Shrimp growth and timing of the spring phytoplankt…
(1) Historical fluctuations in spawning location of anchovy and sardine in the Bay of Biscay (2) Modelling potential spawning habitat of sardine and anchovy (3) MEchanistic links between climate…