Pedoman Sukarela untuk kinerja negara bendera kapal niaga bertujuan untuk mencegah, menghalangi, dan memberantas kegiatan ilegal (IUU) fishing dengan memastikan pelaksanaan yang efektif dari tanggu…
Perjanjian tentang pengawasan terhadap kapal asing yang masuk ke pelabuhan. Perjanjian ini diharapkan dapat mencegah, menghalangi, dan memberantas kegiatan ilegal (IUU) fishing bertujuan untuk meme…
Danau Talaga terletak pada posisi 00 11’57.54" LS dan 119 51’13.1" BT memiliki luas sekitar 542,6 ha dengan kedalaman rata-rata sekitar 20 m terletak di Kabupaten Donggala, Sulawesi Tengah. Kar…
Perikanan budidaya memiliki dengan segala potensi pengembangan dan sumber daya alam yang mendukung, berpeluang menjadi salah satu pilar dalam ketahanan Pangan dan Gizi dan sebagai penggerak perekon…
This new global compact recognizes the unfinished agenda of eradicating poverty and hunger and embraces a much bolder and wider agenda for sustainable development. The progress made by countries in…
The corporate SSC Strategy is part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ (FAO) efforts to ensure the Organization is well positioned to rapidly respond to increasing req…
The Strategy identifies six areas of collaboration and two levels of interaction with different rationales and modus operandi: global-headquarters and decentralized (regional, national, local). The…
This paper provides information on the diets of Chitala lopis in Kampar River, Riau Province based on study conducted from Mei 2009 to November 2010. Fish species were obtained from fishers using m…
This is the twenty-seventh issue of the above publication, a comprehensive and detailed compilation of statistics on farming, livestock, fishery, forestry and nutrition in Asia-Pacific countries fo…
Reducing food loss and waste is an important global endeavour that we can, and should, all take part in - particularly in industrialised countries, changes in consumer behaviour can significantly r…
Reducing food loss and waste is an important global endeavour that we can, and should, all take part in - particularly in industrialised countries, changes in consumer behaviour can significantly r…
Reducing food loss and waste is an important global endeavour that we can, and should, all take part in - particularly in industrialised countries, changes in consumer behaviour can significantly r…
Buku ini di menyediakan : (iv) Daftar Eksportir ke Uni Eropa dari beberapa wilayah di Indonesia ; (v) Daftar Eksportir ke Cina dari beberapa wilayah di Indonesia ; (viii) Daftar Eksportir ke Vietna…
This study contributes to the FAO and the Blue Growth Initiative’s aims to provide empirical insights into women’s empowerment in and through aquaculture. Such insights, in particular qualitati…
Makalah ini diterjemahkan dari laporan dua tahunan FAO yang memuat informasi tentang perkembangan pasar produk pangan dunia berdasarkan jenis komoditas penting. Penerjemahan makalah yang memuat inf…
Buku ini membahas memgenai hal yang berkaitan dengan nutrisi dan bagaimana cara melakukan diet dengan baik dan benar
This resource, conceptualised as a teaching material package, aims to raise awareness among school children, teachers and staff and their related families/networks on food loss and waste issues, an…
This book is contained the presentation of "Exploiting the Potential of The Arab Region to Crate Employment and Increase Revenues" 26-28 April 2004 in Cairo, Egypt. With 5 session speakers with the…
Holothuria scabra is a commercial tropical sea cucumber species, which has been exploited severely in recent years. This study was conducted at the Mataram Marine Bio Indust…
This book is the 2nd edition of "Indonesian Fish Exporter 2007". The available data and information is necessary and constitute one of the key for successful stakeholders, government, private secto…