Para nelayan Krueng Aceh yang menggunakan cahaya (light fishing) sebagai alat bantu penangkapan ikan menggunakan generator listrik dengan penggerak motor bakar yang dapat dipindah pindahkan atau ge…
Freshwater eels are important animals because they have a unique catadromous life history and are used as food resources. European, American and Japanese eel populations now are considered to be ou…
Penyebaran sidat di Indonesia : Pantai Barat Sumatera, Pesisir Selatan Jawa, Bali, NTB, NTT, sepanjang pantai Timur Kalimantan, perairan Sulawesi, Maluku dan Papua. Indonesia sebagai habitat asli s…
This publication is contain by Mari Kuroki about Status and trend of the Japanese eel resources Ecological research for eel conserva6on Mari Kuroki The University of Tokyo Japan. This publicati…
This publication is about Biology of the Tropical Eel, Anguilla bicolor , in the Indonesian Waters in International Eel Symposium : Conservation, Managament, and Trade of Eels in Indonesia in Jakar…
Indonesia memiliki 7 jenis ikan sidat yaitu : Anguilla bicolor bicolor, A. b. pasifica, A. marmorata, A. interioris, A. borneensis, A. celebencis, dan A. nebulosa nebulosa) dari 18 spesies yang ada…
Mengutip data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), selama JanuariAgustus 2011, volume ekspor ikan sidat mencapai 1.400 ton. Jumlah ini menurun 39,1% dari periode sama tahun 2010 yang mencapai 2.300 ton. Ni…
- Budidaya sidat di Filipina - Budidaya sidat di Yunani
The Japanese eel is an important food resource and have been intensively studied on their ecological aspects such as life history, migration and spawning area since 1930s. Big progress in knowledge…
Southern west of Sukabumi is one of the center of Eel. Catch composition of eel mostly glass eel and elver . Species of eel dominated by Anguilla bicolor bicolor . Small scale fishing gear are usi…
Tropical eels living in Indonesian waters are known to be composed of several species, but their real listing together with their distribution ranges need to be established. The main difficulties a…