Grouper sleepy disease iridovirus (GSDIV), a member of the genus Megalocytivirus in the family Iridoviridae, has been known to cause large scale mortalities resulting in severe economic losses in g…
Coral reef ecosystems provide many functions, services and goods to coastal populations, especially in the developing world. A variety of anthropogenic practices threatens reef health and therefore…
Remote sensing and in-situ measurements has been doing for validate the field data. The results will guide you to inform about SST influence from coral bleaching using Advanced Land Observing Satel…
This proceedings is the outcome of the international conference on small islands and coral reefs (ISSIC) 2010 held from 4-5 agust 2010 in Ambon, Maluku, Indonesia. This proceedings contained 32 tec…
Studi ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan kelayakan metode metabolomik sidik jari dan penanda kimia pada pengkajian kondisi lingkungan terumbu karang. Berdasarkan telaah pustaka, kedua jenis metabolomik…
International Coral Reef Symposium held in Okinawa, Japan. Okinawa is an appropriate sute for discussions on sustainable use of coral reefs, considering the fact that Japanese coral reefs are immed…
Research was carried out in August 2008 at two sites within Marine Protected Areas (MPA) in Kelapa and Harapan Islands of Seribu Islands, Indonesia. The purpose of this research was to compare the …
Kegiatan ini melakukan survey kembali terumbu karang dimana sebelumnya telah dilakukan pada awal 1990-an oleh tim ilmuan muda dari Universitas Bung Hatta di Padang, Sumatera Barat. Tulisan ini tida…
The Ninth International Coral Reef Symposium continues a tradition begun in 1969 in Mandapam Camp, India. The International Society for Reef Studies is honored to have worked with Dr Anugerah Nontj…
Ekosistem terumbu karang tersebar di hampir dua per tiga garis pantai Indonesia, dengan karang keras termasuk dalam daftar Apendiks II CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species…
Dalam operasional kegiatannya, CTI-CFF didukung oleh para mita yang terdiri dari Amerika Serikat, Australia, organisasi internasional, pihak swasta dan NGO yang bertujuan untuk mengatasi ancaman pa…
Rencana Aksi Nasional CTI-CFF Indonesia merupakan pedoman bagi pemerintah, pemerintah daerah, mitra, dan masyarakat dalam melaksanakan program dan kegiatan untuk mempertahankan keberlanjutan sumber…
International Coral Reef Symposium held in Okinawa, Japan. Okinawa is an appropriate sute for discussions on sustainable use of coral reefs, considering the fact that Japanese coral reefs are immed…
The third of five goals identified under the 2010-2020 Regional Plan of Action of the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security is marine protected areas established and…
Indonesia is an archipelagic nation with 17.000 island. In north sulawesi province, the importance of coastal and marine industries in this area is not an exception and many stakeholders such as co…
Publikasi ini berisikan gagasan kerjasama antar negara-negara dalam pengelolaan lingkungan hidup dan mempertahankan kesinambungan SDA laut di kawasan Coral Triangle yang mencakup enam negara. Kekay…
Jurnal JMB edisi kali ini memuat tujuh artikel penelitian ilmiah, dengan topik diantaranya: identifikasi karangan keras dan jenis ikan perairan Bawean Kab. Gresik; Identifikasi tingkat kekritisan m…