Udang windu (Penaeus monodon) merupakan salah satu komoditas perikanan budidaya unggulan di Indonesia. Namun demikian, peningkatan produksi udang windu di Indonesia masih mengalami kendala dalam ke…
Fucoidan is a polysaccharide which substantially consists of L-fucosa and ester sulphate group and is mainly contained in brown seaweed. For the past ten years, bioactivity studies of fucoidan has …
Growth of marine copepods is influenced by feed. The purposes of this trial were to observe both growth and fatty acid compositions of harpacticoid copepod nauplii, Tisbe holothuriae by feeding wit…
The identification of fish species is challenging. DNA barcoding provides new perspective in ecology and systematics of fishes. In this study, we assess intraspecific and interspecific genetic dive…
This edition contains primary articles, i.e. 1. study on the effect of pollutans on the production of aaptamines and the cytotoxicity of crude extract from aaptos suberitoides 2. screening of therm…
The articles in this issue are: 1. Correlation of Demerit Point Score (DPS) and Chemical Parameters on Quality of Fresh Estuary Grouper (Epinephelus tauvina) During Storage in Ice. 2. Identificatio…
One of the most popular techniques in mass production of all or nearly all male tilapia population is through sex reversal. However, cross mating of YY super male with regular brood-stock is gainin…
Jurnal ini memuat 11 artikel tentang teknologi budidaya ikan dan lebih spesifik lagi dari bidang pemuliaan dan genetika, nutrisi, toksikologi lingkungan, serta penyakit ikan. Semua artikel merupaka…