Komoditas tuna merupakan salah satu komoditas penting dalam pengembangan industri perikanan karena mempunyai nilai ekonomi yang tinggi. Penyusunan buku ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan informasi te…
Buku Pedoman Umum ini akan diimplementasikan di daerah-daerah pengembangan minapolitan melalui kegiatan pengembangan inkubator minabisnis UMKM-KP. Inkubator minabisnis merupakan tempat konsultasi d…
Tuna commodity is one of important commodities in the development of fishery industry. This publication of this book with theme Business and investment opportunities on Tuna Industry in Indonesia a…
Seaweed is one of the essential commodities in the development of the fisheries industry, because it has high economic value. One of the programs that have to be done is to attract more investment …
Shrimp commodity is one of the important commodities, because shrimp is the main export commodity for obtaining foreign exchange. In the effort to encourage the development of shrimp industry to in…
Indonesia is the world largest archipelago country and blessed with rich aqutic resources. However, detailed information pertaining to the resources as well as investment opportunities in marine an…