The Expert Workshop was participated in by the participants, which include international and regional experts, officers and experts of Department of Fisheries and the Royal Irrigation Department of…
The sustainable development and management of fisheries needs to be corroborated with comprehensive information on fisheries status and trends. The 2011 ASEAN-SEAFDEC Conference highlighted the sam…
This meeting discussed the progress and achievments made by SEAFDEC in the implementation of the Programs under the FCG/ASSP Mechanism in 2017, which comprise twenty-three (23) projects, 20 of whic…
This meeting discussed the progress and achievments made by SEAFDEC in the implementation of the Programs under the FCG/ASSP Mechanism in 2017, which comprise twenty-three (23) projects, 20 of whic…
Dalam Translate - Terjemahan ini terdiri dari 5 judul artikel yang diterjemahkan. Artikel tersebut antara lain: 1. Fish to 2020 in Changing Global Markets 2. History of Fish Marketing and Trade to…
Fish for the people is a free publication which cannot be sold or traded in any wat. Having bee established in 1967, SEAFDEC in 2016 would be almost in the end of its 5-decade cycle of promoting s…
Marine fisheries resources are great of national importance to South East Asian countries and through trade, conservation and biodiversity value are also of global and regional significance. This b…
Indonesia, sebagai salah satu negara penghasil tuna terbesar di dunia, menghadapi tatangan penurunan ketersediaan sumberdaya tuna dan adanya permintaan tuna global yang masih tinggi. Berlatar bekan…
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has been pleased to fully support the purpose and intent o the Conference by providing a range of assistance, including contributin…
In the early 1990s, the international community moved to place emphasis on the use of port state measures as fisheries management tool. This was because port state measures were sees as a cost-effe…
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has been pleased to fully support the purpose and intent o the Conference by providing a range of assistance, including contributin…
This voluem contains article: - Bio-Economic Optimal Levels of the Bali Strait Sardine Fishery Operating in a Fluctuating Environment (Purwanto) - Impact of the Increasing Catchability Coefficient …
Indonesian Fisheries Research Journal publishes research results on resources, oceanography and limnology for fisheries, fisheries biology, management, socio-economic and enhancement, resource util…
This volume contains articles of: 1. Lead and cadmiun concentration in catfish (pangasius polyuronodon) of the lower part of siak river 2. Fishery resources and ecology of toba lake 3. Producti…
Pada edisi Volume 2 Nomor 1 Mei 2010 ini, Jurnal Kebijakan Perikanan Indonesia menampilkan enam artikel hasil penelitian perairan umum daratan dan perairan laut. Keenam artikel tersebut mengkaji te…
Pada edisi Voluem 2 Nomor 2 Nopember 2010 ini, Jurnal Kebijakan Perikanan Indonesia menampilkan enam artikel hasil penelitian perairan umum daratan dan perairan laut. Keenam artikel tersebut mengka…
This book "Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008" as the revise of Indonesian Fisheries Book 2007, which is published under the corperation between the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) and …
1. Pengelolaan sumberdaya Ikan Bilih (Mytacoleucus padangensis) introduksi di Danau Toba, Sumatera Utara 2. Kebijakan pemacuan sumberdaya ikan di perairan umum daratan Idonesia ; teknologi altenat…
Jurnal JMB edisi kali ini memuat tujuh artikel penelitian ilmiah, dengan topik diantaranya: identifikasi karangan keras dan jenis ikan perairan Bawean Kab. Gresik; Identifikasi tingkat kekritisan m…
1. Present status of nesting habitat of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in West Java-Indonesiarn2. The increasing of olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) purwo national park Banyuwangi-East Javarn3. …