The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has been pleased to fully support the purpose and intent o the Conference by providing a range of assistance, including contributin…
In the early 1990s, the international community moved to place emphasis on the use of port state measures as fisheries management tool. This was because port state measures were sees as a cost-effe…
Jurnal ini menampilkan artikel ilmiah sebagai berikut: 1. Profitabilitas tambak silvo fisheries budidaya udang windu di tambak Pulokerto milik Akademi Perikanan Sidoarjo, 2. Kajian pengaruh dua pak…
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has been pleased to fully support the purpose and intent o the Conference by providing a range of assistance, including contributin…
This voluem contains article: - Bio-Economic Optimal Levels of the Bali Strait Sardine Fishery Operating in a Fluctuating Environment (Purwanto) - Impact of the Increasing Catchability Coefficient …
Indonesian Fisheries Research Journal publishes research results on resources, oceanography and limnology for fisheries, fisheries biology, management, socio-economic and enhancement, resource util…
Considering that fishery resorce as a part of the Indonesian wealth needs to be utilizwd for the purpose of social welfare, by effective and efficient effort and taking into account its sustainabil…
This volume contains articles of: 1. Lead and cadmiun concentration in catfish (pangasius polyuronodon) of the lower part of siak river 2. Fishery resources and ecology of toba lake 3. Producti…
This journal is contained by article: 1. Optimal electroporation condition for sperm mediated gene transfer in stripped catfish (Pangasionodon hypophthalmus) 2. Production and bioactivity potential…
Pada edisi Volume 2 Nomor 1 Mei 2010 ini, Jurnal Kebijakan Perikanan Indonesia menampilkan enam artikel hasil penelitian perairan umum daratan dan perairan laut. Keenam artikel tersebut mengkaji te…
Pada edisi Voluem 2 Nomor 2 Nopember 2010 ini, Jurnal Kebijakan Perikanan Indonesia menampilkan enam artikel hasil penelitian perairan umum daratan dan perairan laut. Keenam artikel tersebut mengka…
This book "Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008" as the revise of Indonesian Fisheries Book 2007, which is published under the corperation between the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) and …
The FAO Conference adopted the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) in 1995. Following the Cancun Conference in 1992, four years of exhaustive effort by the interested countries of the …
Fishing port is part of the fisheries business system in Indonesia. Indonesia fishing ports are grouped into four classes: a. Oceanic Fishing Port, b. Archipelagic Fishing Port, c. Coastal Fishing …
1. Pengelolaan sumberdaya Ikan Bilih (Mytacoleucus padangensis) introduksi di Danau Toba, Sumatera Utara 2. Kebijakan pemacuan sumberdaya ikan di perairan umum daratan Idonesia ; teknologi altenat…
Jurnal JMB edisi kali ini memuat tujuh artikel penelitian ilmiah, dengan topik diantaranya: identifikasi karangan keras dan jenis ikan perairan Bawean Kab. Gresik; Identifikasi tingkat kekritisan m…
1. Present status of nesting habitat of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in West Java-Indonesiarn2. The increasing of olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) purwo national park Banyuwangi-East Javarn3. …
Applying an EAFM is considered the preferred option and best practice under the CTI-CFF for the long-term sustainability of Fisheries and the ecosystem services provided to society (e.g., food secu…
This special edition contains paper that have been presented at the International Symposium Ocean Sciene, Technology and Policy. The papers cover a wide range of subjects in marine biotechnology an…
Jurnal Mitra Bahari Vol.2 No.3 Agustus-Oktober 2008 memiliki 7 artikel ilmiah dalam berbagai subjek yang berkaitan dengan kelautan. Jurnal ini bertujuan sebagai sarana sosialisasi dan diseminasi ha…