Banggai cardinal fish (Pterapogonkauderni, Koumans 1933) is uncommon example of a marine fish with distributed in small range area while being in highly exploited. This fish is in high demand as an…
Tuna is the mainstay of fisheries export commodities in Indonesia with a total export amounted to 201.159 tons and export value of 750 million dollars in 2012. The high demand tuna improve the prac…
Holothuria scabra is a commercial tropical sea cucumber species, which has been exploited severely in recent years. This study was conducted at the Mataram Marine Bio Indust…
Japanese coastal fishermen have legally-guaranteed equitable access to and "ownership" of the living aquatic resources of coastal waters, through an elaborate fisheries rights system. The introduci…
Tuna is considered one of the most important food sources globally, providing an important source of protein for many people. Due to its health benefits and its use as many people’s sole source o…
The Expert Workshop was participated in by the participants, which include international and regional experts, officers and experts of Department of Fisheries and the Royal Irrigation Department of…
The sustainable development and management of fisheries needs to be corroborated with comprehensive information on fisheries status and trends. The 2011 ASEAN-SEAFDEC Conference highlighted the sam…
This meeting discussed the progress and achievments made by SEAFDEC in the implementation of the Programs under the FCG/ASSP Mechanism in 2017, which comprise twenty-three (23) projects, 20 of whic…
This meeting discussed the progress and achievments made by SEAFDEC in the implementation of the Programs under the FCG/ASSP Mechanism in 2017, which comprise twenty-three (23) projects, 20 of whic…
Perkembangan kegiatan perikanan tangkap dunia terus meningkat dan telah menunjukkan gejala overfishing di beberapa bagian perairan dunia. Selain itu, terjadi peningkatan praktek illegal, unreported…
Dalam Translate - Terjemahan ini terdiri dari 5 judul artikel yang diterjemahkan. Artikel tersebut antara lain: 1. Fish to 2020 in Changing Global Markets 2. History of Fish Marketing and Trade to…
1. Nutrient and Steroid Contents of Some Deep Sea Fish Spesies from Western Sumatera, Eastern ~ rnIndian Ocean rn2. Size Distribution and Maturity of the Slimeheads (Hoplostethus crassispinus) in t…
Dokumen RAN ini disusun agar memberikan manfaat bagi semua pihak yang terkait dalam rangka pemberantasan destructive fishing di Indonesia.
This course in Fishery Statistics, and Fishery Stock Assesment were held in Samutprakarn, Tahiland from 1 September to 9 October 1981.
Fish for the people is a free publication which cannot be sold or traded in any wat. Having bee established in 1967, SEAFDEC in 2016 would be almost in the end of its 5-decade cycle of promoting s…
Marine fisheries resources are great of national importance to South East Asian countries and through trade, conservation and biodiversity value are also of global and regional significance. This b…
Jurnal ini bertujuan menyebarluaskan informasi, pengalaman dan pengetahuan kepada seluruh pemerhati masalah-masalah pengelolaan sum,berdaya kelautan, pesisir dan pulau-oulau kecil. Pada edisi ini d…
Indonesia, sebagai salah satu negara penghasil tuna terbesar di dunia, menghadapi tatangan penurunan ketersediaan sumberdaya tuna dan adanya permintaan tuna global yang masih tinggi. Berlatar bekan…
Pada edisi ini, artikel yang menjadi sorotan utama adalah: 1. APS kembangkan paket teknologi budidaya udang vanamei tanpa limbah, 2. Pengusaha Jepang rame-rame dukung tambak Silvo Fishery APS di Pu…
The annual reporting on public diplomacy activities by the overseas posts also relied heavily on listing public diplomacy activities such as briefings, the placement of articles in 'influential new…