Fisheries oceanography Volume 16 Number 2 March 2007
This journal contains seven original articles, the title is:
1. Decreasing shrimp sizes off Newfoundland and Labrador-environment or fishing
2. Shrimp growth and timing of the spring phytoplankton bloom on the Newfoundland-Labrador shelf
3. Advection of anchovy larvae along the Catalan continental slope
4. Effect of ocean conditions on the cross-shelf distribution of walleye pollock and capelin
5. Anchovy and sardine spatial dynamics and aggregation patterns in the Humboldt current ecosystem.
6. A synthesis of large-scale patterns in the plantonic prey of larval and juvenile cod
7. Prey selection of common minke and Bryde's whales in the western North pacific in 2000 and 2001
And contain on short communication about environmental noise in spawning areas: the case of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna.
B1200901 | JUR FO-16.02 | Archivelago Indonesia Marine Library - Perpustakaan Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan | Available |
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