Replacing Fish Meal with Fermented Mixture of Abalone Offal and Sargassum spp in the Practical Diets of Smooth Marron, Cherax Caini (Austin, 2002): an Evaluation of Fermentation Methods, Feed Efficiency, Growth, Survival and Impact of The Practice on Immune Responses and Resistance to Vibrio Mimicus.
Disertasi ini membahas tentang evaluasi metode fermentasi, efisiensi pakan, pertumbuhan, kelangsungan hidup dan dampak praktik dari respon Ketahanan dan kekebalan terhadap Vibrio Mimicus.
B1800650 | DIS 16-579.81/.86.582.231 HIM r | Archivelago Indonesia Marine Library - Perpustakaan Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan | Available |
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