Ikan Banggai kardinal merupakan ikan yang tergolong endemik dan terancam punah menurut Daftar Merah IUCN 2007. Status di habitat aslinya, yaitu perairan karang Banggai Kepulauan, telah diperdebatka…
One of the endeavours to address the shortage of catch per unit effort (CPUE) information from the Indonesian Indian Ocean tuna fishery is the collation of a large amount of catch and effort data c…
This paper aims to develop cost-effective approach regarding the estimation unreported annual catch data of lift-net fishery using Google Earth imagery. Lift net fishery is one of the main fishing …
Abundance indices based on nominal CPUE do not take into account confounding factors such as fishing strategy and environmental conditions, that can decouple any underlying abundance signal in the …
One of the expected benefits of the Sulu-Celebes Sea Project during its implementation is to have increased fish stocks at demonstration sites, as indicated by the Catch per Unit of Effort (CPUE). …
Studies on artisanal shark fisheries in Tanjungluar - East Lombok were conducted during the year 2001-2011 (except in 2003 and 2007). A sampling method called “rapid market survey” method was e…
Albacore (Thunnus alalunga - ALB) catch was the second highest tuna landed at Benoa Fishing Port and they are mostly landed as frozen bycatch. This paper attempts to provide information on ALB catc…
Perairan Kwandang merupakan salah satu basis utama perikanan pelagis kecil di perairan laut Sulawesi. Salah satu jenis yang banyak dimanfaatkan adalah ikan bentong (Selar crumenophthalmus). Penelit…