Indonesia Marine and Fisheries Book adalah laporan tahunan yang diterbitkan oleh KKP bekerjasama dengan JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency). Berisi tentang informasi dasar yang menyeluruh…
Perikanan termasuk akuakultur, merupakan sumber pangan, kesempatan kerja, rekreasi, perdagangan dan kesejahteraan ekonomi yang sangat penting bagi penduduk seluruh dunia, baik untk generasi kini ma…
Indonesia's 2016 fisheries production, from capture fisheries of more than 6.8 million tons and from aquaculture of more than 16.6 million tons, ranks the second only after China in both categories…
National plan of action to prevent and combat IUU fishing is intended as a reference for each organizational unit in the Ministry of Marine and Fisheries as an effort to prevent and combat IUU fish…
Indonesia's 2018 fisheries production, from capture fisheries of more than 6.7 million tons and from aquaculture of more than 17.92 million tons, ranks the second only after China in both categorie…
Negara Indonesia adalah negara maritim yang memiliki zona eksklusif kelautan peringkat ke tiga di dunia. Jepang juga merupakan negara maritim yang memiliki industri perikanan unggul di dunia. Kamus…
Publikasi ini menampilkan kumpulan abstrak makalah dari Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Budi Daya Laut Menuju Terciptanya Sea Farming yang Berkelanjutan di Jakarta pada 7-8 Maret 2001. Sebanyak 55 ab…
Indonesia Marine and Fisheries Book adalah laporan tahunan yang diterbitkan oleh KKP bekerjasama dengan JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency). Bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran umum yang …
Indonesia is an archipelagic nation with 17.000 island. In north sulawesi province, the importance of coastal and marine industries in this area is not an exception and many stakeholders such as co…
This book "Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008" as the revise of Indonesian Fisheries Book 2007, which is published under the corperation between the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) and …
Indonesia is an archipelagic nation with 17.000 island. In north sulawesi province, the importance of coastal and marine industries in this area is not an exception and many stakeholders such as co…
Indonesia is an archipelagic nation with 17.000 island. In north sulawesi province, the importance of coastal and marine industries in this area is not an exception and many stakeholders such as co…
Indonesia is an archipelagic nation with 17.000 island. In north sulawesi province, the importance of coastal and marine industries in this area is not an exception and many stakeholders such as co…
Indonesia is an archipelagic nation with 17.000 island. In north sulawesi province, the importance of coastal and marine industries in this area is not an exception and many stakeholders such as co…
Indonesia is an archipelagic nation with 17.000 island. In north sulawesi province, the importance of coastal and marine industries in this area is not an exception and many stakeholders such as co…
Indonesia is an archipelagic nation with 17.000 island. In north sulawesi province, the importance of coastal and marine industries in this area is not an exception and many stakeholders such as co…