Deep sea is an extreme environment characterized by cold temperature, high pressure, lack of light and nutrients. Microorganisms live in these habitat are unique microorganisms and known to have tr…
Bakteri kitinolitik yang mendegradasi kitin dan turunannya telah banyak diisolasi dari berbagai sumber seperti tanah, spons dan limbah udang dan rajungan. Sumber lain yang diduga potensial untuk is…
Transglutaminases (EC have attracted a wide interest from both scientific and applied points of view due to their capacity to cross link protein substrates. Obtaining transglutaminases de…
Although many proteases had been studied and characterized, only a few of them are commercially available. Protease thermostability is one of the crucial properties for industrial application. Thi…
Riset ini bertujuan untuk menapis dan mengisolasi bakteri penghasil protease dari sumber air panas Tambarana (Sulawesi Tengah) serta mengkarakterisasi enzim protease yang dihasilkan. Penapisan dila…
Lingkungan ekstrem diketahui ternyata menunj ang kehidupan bagi berbagai jenis mikroorganisme yang dikenal dengan sebutan ekstremofil. Mikroorganisme yang tumbuh dan berkembang di lingkungan yang e…
Thermostability is among of the vital enzyme characteristics for industrial application. Brevibacillus thermoruber LII was obtained as a potential isolate from the previous research which scree…
Although many proteases had been studied and characterized, only a few of them are commercially available. Protease thermostability is one of the crucial properties for industrial application. This…