Budidaya LObster (Panulirus sp.) di Vietnam dan aplikasinya di Indonesia, Menelusuri identitas ikan lele dumbo, Pengaruh treatment urea terhadap kandungan serta kasar pada kulit ubi kayu untuk baha…
1. Induced fuctional male of coral trout grouper using 17a-methyltestosterone hormone, 2. Genetic variability of giant gouramy strains revealedby random amplified polymorphism dna, 3. Expression of…
1. Influence of dietary phytic and phytase on growth, digestibility, and vertebral phosphhorus of juvenile Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, 2. Interaction between dietary mineral and phyt…
1. Genetic variability of three populations of flying fish, Hirundichthy oxycephalus from makassar strait, 2. Distribution and expression of striped catfish growth hormone gene in the organ of Afri…