Statistical and data handling skills in biology

Collection Location Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan Jakarta
Edition 2nd ed.
Call Number 57.01:519.25 ENN s
ISBN/ISSN 9780131955844
Author(s) Ennos, Roland
Subject(s) biometri
Series Title
GMD Text
Language English
Publisher Pearson Education International
Publishing Year 2007
Publishing Place England
Collation 235 p.
Abstract/Notes The new edition, while retaining the same overall approach and structure, has been significantly expanded. the coverage of analysis of variance has been extended to cover repeated measures and two-way ANOVA. there are new chapters on examining the distribution of data and carrying out transformations, and on examining the distribution of data and carrying out transformations, and on performing non-parametric tests. there are expanded sections on how to report the results of statistical analysis and on more complex statistical analysis. finally, there are comprehensive instructions about how to carry out the statistical tests using the latest version of SPSS (version 13) and how to interpret the result in produces.
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