Monitoring the Ecological Effects of Coastal Aquaculture Wastes

Collection Location Balai Riset Perikanan Laut Jakarta
Call Number 57.4 Foo m
ISBN/ISSN 1020-4873
Author(s) Food And Agriculture Organizations of the United Nations
Subject(s) Monitoring
Ecological Effects
Coastal Aquaculture Wastes
Classification 57.4
Series Title
GMD Text
Language English
Publisher FAO
Publishing Year 1996
Publishing Place Rome
Collation vi.; 43p.; ilus.; tab.; 29,5cm
Abstract/Notes Soluble inorganic and particulture waste from coastal farms can result in organic enrichment of the local aquatic environment. To prevent unacceptable changes to the environment, an environmental management framework should be established as a means of regulating development and evaluating potential impacts before permission to develop is granted.
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