Fisheries management in south-east Lake Malawi, the Upper Shire River and Lake Malombe

Collection Location Balai Riset Perikanan Laut Jakarta
Call Number 639 Foo f
ISBN/ISSN 92-5-103241-6
Author(s) FAO
UNDP Chambo Fisheries Research Project
Subject(s) Fisheries Management
Lake Malombe
Classification 639
Series Title
GMD Text
Language English
Publisher Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Publishing Year 1993
Publishing Place Rome
Collation x.; 113p.; ilus.; tab.; 29,5 cm
Abstract/Notes This report summarizes the results of a four-year Government of Malawi/UNDP/FAO project to establish the basis for a management strategy for the chambo (Oreochromis spp.) fisheries in the South-East Arm of lake Malawi, the upper Shire River and Lake Malombe. Three species were the focus of the study, but because of the complexity of the fisheries and their multispecies character, it was necessary to take account of the other stocks involved.
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