Overview of world ealasmobranch fiseries

Collection Location Balai Riset Perikanan Laut Jakarta
Call Number 597.31 Bon o
ISBN/ISSN 92-5-103566-0
Author(s) Ramon Bonfil
Subject(s) Fiseries
world ealasmobranch
Classification 597.31
Series Title
GMD Text
Language English
Publisher FAO
Publishing Year 1994
Publishing Place Rome
Collation viii.; 119p.; ilus.; tab.; 30cm
Abstract/Notes Elasmobranchs are interesting both from a scientific perdpective and because of the characteristics their biology poses for their management. They may be associated with other major fisheries and often fail to get the attention they deserve. Thispublication is a contribution to reducing the oversight that is so often the misfortune of this grup. We hope that the overview and detaild regional descriptions will help both the worler at the regional level as well as those involved in overall syntheses.
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