Marine Intervebrate Fisheries Their Assesment & Management

Collection Location Balai Riset Perikanan Laut Jakarta
Call Number 592 M
ISBN/ISSN 0-471-83237-5
Author(s) John F. Caddy
Subject(s) Shellfish fisheries
Classification 592
Series Title
GMD Text
Language English
Publisher John Wiley & Sons
Publishing Year 1988
Publishing Place Rome
Collation xvi.; 752p.; ilus.; tab.; 24cm
Abstract/Notes The past few decandes have witnessed the rapid development of menthods of assessing and managing reneeable marine resources, methods that until 1960 ware almost exclusively applied to finfish populations. The management of most invertebrate fisheries has until recently depended heavily on empirical knowledge and procedures, supplemented in the scientificliterature by predominatly qualitative studies of these organisms and their rules in marine ecosystems.
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