Sustainable Fishery Systems

Collection Location Balai Besar Riset Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan Perikanan KP Jakarta - Ancol
Call Number 639.2.005 ANT s
ISBN/ISSN 978-0-632-05775-0
Author(s) Anthony Charles
Subject(s) perikanan berkelanjutan
Sumberdaya perikanan dan air
Classification 639.2.005
Series Title
GMD Buku
Language English
Publisher Blackwell Science
Publishing Year 2001
Publishing Place Oxford, England
Collation xiiii-369p. ; ills. tab. 21 cm
Abstract/Notes This book provides a comprehensive attempt to adopt an 'integrated' interdisciplinary approach to the study of fisheries. Fisheries are discussed as holistic 'systems', with emphasis on their structure, operation and dynamics. The book's interdisciplinary approach is applied to an analysis of problems faced in pursuing 'sustainable fisheries', with emphasis on six dominant themes: sustainability, uncertainty, complexity, conflict, fishing rights and the nature of management. Within this discussion, several major directions in current fishery thinking are explored, notably the precautionary approach, the ecosystem approach, co-management, and robust management for resilient fisheries.
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