R In Action : Data analysis and graphics with R

Collection Location Balai Besar Riset Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan Perikanan KP Jakarta - Ancol
Call Number 330.35 ROB r
ISBN/ISSN 9781935182399
Author(s) Robert I. Kabacoff
Subject(s) R In Action
Classification 330.35
Series Title
GMD Buku
Language English
Publisher Manning
Publishing Year 2011
Publishing Place New York, USA
Collation xxii - 450 : ills 24cm
Abstract/Notes R is a powerful language for statistical computing and graphics that can handle virtually and data-crunching task. It runs on all important platfroms and provides thousands of useful spesializied modules and utilities. This make R a great way to get meaningful information from mountains of row data.

R In Action is a language tutorial focused on practical problems. It presents useful statistics examples and includeselegan methods for handling messy, incomplate, and nonnormal data that are difficult to analyze using traditional methods. And statistical analysis is only part of the story. You'll also master R's extensive graphical capabilities for exploring and presenting data visual.
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