Methods For The Study Of Marine Benthos

Collection Location Balai Riset Perikanan Laut Jakarta
Edition Third Edition
Call Number 595.141
Author(s) Anastasios Eleftheriou .; Alasdair McIntyr
Subject(s) Fish Survey technigues : Marine Benthos
Classification 595.141
Series Title
GMD Text
Language English
Publisher Black Well
Publishing Year 1970
Publishing Place Australia
Collation xx.; 409p.; ill.; tab.; cm
Abstract/Notes This handbook has been written to meet the needs of three kinds of workers:rnthe newcomer to the field, the isolated worker without access to large librariesrnor the advice of colleagues, and those in related disciplines who may for somernreason require to collect or study biological samples from the seabed. Becausernof the very varied nature of the seabed in different regions and because of therndiffering requirements of individual workers, we have from the first avoided layingrndown definite rules and procedures to be adopted. However, there is a right and arnwrong way to set about things, and the handbook had to contain more than a set ofrnplatitudes. The best general advice that can be given is for a preliminary survey tornbe made to see the range of possibilities for study. Before a large-scale survey atrnsea is made, for example, some preliminary sampling, perhaps by dredge, shouldrnbe made to show the types and size range of the animals and plants to be studied,rnthe nature of the deposits, and the topography of the seabed. Only then will it bernpossible to decide what techniques to adopt in the main survey.
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