Prosiding STP Seminar Nasional Perikanan Indonesia Hasil Penelitian Perikanan dan Kelautan 2014 : Study on The Design of Photovolttaic Generation System for Residence
Collection Location
Balai Besar Riset Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan Perikanan KP Jakarta - Ancol
the bright sun on a clear day showers down the energy of approximately 1kw per m2, and the solar energy earth recives in a single hour is said to be equivalent to the total energy expanded by the human race in an entire yearrnin recent years, photovoltaic generation system is widely used because photovoltaic energy is clean energy source to fossil fuels. in this research the methode of the design of the photovoltaic generation system of the residence is designed. . the outline of the research is as follows:rn(1). to understand function of the photovoltaic generation systemrn(2) to decide setting place and expanded area of the photovoltaic array on the roof of the residencern(3) to calculate of the photovoltaic energy from the photovoltaic generation systemrn(4) to design the electric power generation system with the photovoltaic generation system of the residencern(5) to show that the application of the photovoltaic generation system is an effective methode to environmental problem. in this researchthe method of the photovoltaic generation system to residence is considered. as object of the research is residence of author which is located in jakarta, indonesia.