PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PERIKANAN INDONESIA HASIL PENELITIAN PERIKANAN DAN KEALUTAN 2012 : potensi kebijakan subsidi bbm berbasis pendaratan hasil tangkapan
Collection Location | Balai Besar Riset Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan Perikanan KP Jakarta - Ancol |
Edition | |
Call Number | |
ISBN/ISSN | 978-602-17572-1-5 |
Author(s) | Estu Sri Luhur Rizky Muhartono |
Subject(s) | |
Classification | NONE |
Series Title | GMD | Prosiding |
Language | Indonesia |
Publisher | Balai Besar Riset Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan |
Publishing Year | 2012 |
Publishing Place | Jakarta |
Collation | |
Abstract/Notes | availbility of raw materials for indusrtial processing of fishery products in the production center to be a problem that must be addressed. one factor thar is thought to be the cause is the practice of unreported fidhing where fishing boats did not report their catch to the port of origin for yhe landing and sale of fish outside the the landing base who issued the document vessel departure. to taht end, this study aimed to analyze the potential of the fuel subsidy policy based landing catches to answer these problems. the research was conducted in march-april 2012 by taking the case pekalongan, central java the data used consists of secondary and primary date were collected by the method of literature review interviews and observations of fishermen make a landing base pekalongan vat. the research method used is descriptive method with qualitative approach. the results showed that the fuel subsidy policy priority for the boat landinf on the landing base subsidies also for fishing baots taht sell fish by auction trough tpi. thus, the amount of subsidy is determined based on the value and quanlity of fish being auctioned |
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