Coastal Aquifer Management : Monitoring, modeling and case studies

Collection Location Balai Besar Riset Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan Perikanan KP Jakarta - Ancol
Call Number 656.618 C
ISBN/ISSN 56670-605-X
Author(s) Alexander H. D. Cheng
Driss Ouazar
Subject(s) Air laut
Manajemen wilayah pesisir
aliran air
Classification 656.618
Series Title
GMD Buku
Language English
Publisher Lewis Publishers
Publishing Year 2004
Publishing Place
Collation vii-279p. ; ills. tab. 21 cm
Abstract/Notes Approximately 70% of the world's population lives in coastal areas, and the majority of these people depend on coastal aquifers for freshwater. The fragility of these aquifers and their sensitivity to human activity demand informed, competent management to guarantee their survival. Significant knowledge and new technologies related to the subject have accumulated in the last two decades, and a need has emerged for a comprehensive reference that gathers and disseminates crucial information to engineering practitioners and policymakers.
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