Fish Catching Methods of The World

Collection Location Balai Besar Riset Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan Perikanan KP Jakarta - Ancol
Edition 4
Call Number 639.3.081 GAB F
Author(s) Otto Gabriel
Klaus Lange
Erdmann Dahm
Thomas Wendt
Subject(s) Perikanan
Peralatan dan perlengkapan
Classification 639.3.081
Series Title
GMD Buku
Language English
Publisher Blackwell Publishing
Publishing Year 2005
Publishing Place Oxford, England
Collation xi-523p. ; ills. tab. 21 cm
Abstract/Notes In the sixteen years since the last edition of Von Brant’s classic work was published, fishing and fisheries have undergone vast changes. Not only has there been great progress in the development of new tools, materials and techniques, but the industry has seen an increasing need to address controversial issues such as declining fish stocks, enormous quantities of bycatch and discard and the impact of towed fishing gear on the environment.
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