Marine chemistry and geochemistry

Collection Location Balai Riset dan Observasi Laut Jembrana
Edition 2nd Edition
Call Number 551.464.3(082.1) STE m
ISBN/ISSN 9780080964836
Author(s) Turekian, Karl K
Steele, John H.
Thorpe, Steve A.
Subject(s) Marine Chemistry
Ocean Pollution
Classification 551.464.3(082.1)
Series Title
GMD Text
Language English
Publishing Year 2010
Publishing Place London
Collation ix,631p.;27cm+index
Abstract/Notes Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry is derivative of the Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, 2nd Editon and serves as an important reference on current knowledge and expertise in one convenient and accessible source. The Selected articles - all written by experts in their field - fall into several categories, including : chemistry of sea water, tracers in the sea, natural radioactive species in the ocean, cycles of the nuclides, marine deposits and air sea exchanges.
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