Variasi Warna Benih Populasi Ikan Klown Asli (Amphiprion Percula) Turunan Pertama

Collection Location Balai Besar Riset Budidaya Laut dan Penyuluhan Perikanan Gondol Bali
Call Number
Author(s) Gunawan
Ketut Mahasetiawati
wayan subamia
Subject(s) Ikan Hias
Classification NONE
Series Title
GMD Text
Publisher Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan budidaya
Publishing Year 2015
Publishing Place Jakarta
Collation pp: 267-272
Abstract/Notes Seeds produced from one pair brood stock are varies. Problem encountered in the development of true clown fish culture is the difficulty to obtain a good quality of seeds to meet the export criteria with seed color orange / bright orange and black striped thick. Therefore, this research is not only to know the variation of seeds color resulted by several pairs of brood stock phenotypically, but also to determine the percentage of similarity and the differences between seeds and brood stock using primer encoding the sequence of genes controlling pigment. This research was conducted using 3 pairs of brood stock (F0) and seeds (F1 generation). Larvae and seeds reared in indoor hatchery for 2-3 months, followed by outdoor rearing for 3-4 months. Variables observed i.e. color performance: class I (black thick widened); class II thick black stripped); class III (thin black stripped). Results showed that The percentage of fish with nice colors (grade 1) ranged from 4.5 - 37.3%. Colors fish seeds dominated by grade II fish ranged from 39 – 71.4%.
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