Studi histopatologi iridovirus pada Epinephelus coioides dan Epinephelus bleekeri;

Collection Location Balai Besar Riset Budidaya Laut dan Penyuluhan Perikanan Gondol Bali
Call Number
Author(s) Ketut Sugama
Agus Priyono
Ketut Mahardika
Kei Yusa
Isti K
Series Title
GMD Text
Language Indonesia
Publishing Year 2001
Publishing Place
Collation 334-341
Abstract/Notes The Project, Research and development for the multi-species hatchery project investigates on epizootic in mariculture hatcheries, ponds and cages inindonesia from 1997 to 2000. As a result, we could select the important diseases for Indonesia mariculture among lots of diseases identified. The most dengerous diseases in shrimp culture was white spot syndrome (WSS), a kind of viral diseases. On the other hand, among finfish the key diseases were categorized by each stage, broodstock, larvae and juveniles and grow-out fiah: severalk kinds of ectoparrasites were harmful in broodstack management, nodavirus that is the causative agent of viral nervous necrosis (VNN) was a lethal pathogen for larvae and juveniles of groupers, and Vibriosis and VNN were main problem in grow-out fish. Additionally, the latest study at the project suddested that indovirus infection would become a new obstacle in the management of grow-out fish and broodstaock. Without solving the diseases problems, a sustainable mariculture system will not be attained. Under the present circumstances, fish pathologists should play a more important role in mariculture trials. This paper also mentions about the details of fish pathologist
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