Kandungan lemak pakan optimal untuk Pertumbuhan benih Kepiting Bakau (Scylla paramamosain);
Collection Location | Balai Besar Riset Budidaya Laut dan Penyuluhan Perikanan Gondol Bali |
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Author(s) | Ketut Suwirya Ibnu Rusdi Nyoman Adiasmara Giri M. Marzuqi |
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Series Title | GMD | Text |
Language | Indonesia |
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Publishing Year | 2003 |
Publishing Place | JPPI VOL IX(4), tahun 2003 |
Collation | 25-30 |
Abstract/Notes | The Zoea (Z) stages of crustaceans known as the critical condition in their rearing. The First Zoea (Z1) can eat the natural food directly. The utilization of combination feed is very important. To find out the precise time in using microdiets as artificial diet, four different initial feeding time were examined (i.e. A. started at Z2; B. started at Z3; C. started at Z4 and D. control: only use natural food). Twelve tanks were used and each filled with 300 L of UV sterilized sea water. The initial stocking densities of larvae was 50 Z1/L. Rotifer, Brachionus sp, Nannochloropsis and artemia were used as natural feed. The commercial micro diets was used as artificial diets. The highest survival rate (SR) was reached at larvae which fed micro diets started at Z2 (45,3 %). It seems that micro diets could be given as artificial diets since larvae entered Z2 stage. KEYWORD: larvae rearing, mud crab, different initial feeding time, micro diets. |
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