Pola penyarapan nutrisi endogen dan perkembangan morfologis pada stadia awal larva ikan Napoleon (Cheilinus undulatus).

Collection Location Balai Besar Riset Budidaya Laut dan Penyuluhan Perikanan Gondol Bali
Call Number
Author(s) Bejo Slamet
Philip Teguh Imanto
Regina Meilianawati
Series Title
GMD Text
Language Indonesia
Publishing Year 2003
Publishing Place JPPI VOL IX(2), tahun 2003
Collation 9-14
Abstract/Notes Observation on natural spawning of, napoleon wrasse was carried out to khow the spawning affectivity based on seasons, number of eggs, fertilization rate and hatching rate. Female of 5-11 kg in body weight (BW) (Total length (TL) 62-95 cm)
and male of 10-17 kg in BW (TL 90-110 cm) were stocked at ratio 9:3. Concrete tanks of 100 m3 capacity with aerator system and running water of 200-300 % per day were used for holding and spawning the brood stock. Spawning were observed
at Gondol Research Institute for Mariculture ~rdm August 200,0 to July 2003. The result showed that napoleon wrasse had capability to spawn in all years around with peak season on january to Mei and Junetc September. Number of eggs frorn
spawning ranged from 200,000 to 9,000,000 eggs per month or 1oo.ooo to 1,000,000 eggs per individual per month. The eggs and oil globule diameters ranged from 620 to 680' urn and 120 to 145 urn, respectively; with 55-70% of
fertilization rate and 45-65% of hatching rate. Incubation time of napoleon fish was 14-16 hours at water temperature 27-30 "C and salinity 32-33 ppt.
KEYWORD: napoleon wrasse, spawnin~ season, eggs quality
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