Pengaruh n-3 pakan terhadap pertumbuhan benih kerapu Macan (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus).;

Collection Location Balai Besar Riset Budidaya Laut dan Penyuluhan Perikanan Gondol Bali
Call Number
Author(s) Ketut Suwirya
Nyoman Adiasmara Giri
M. Marzuqi
Series Title
GMD Text
Language Indonesia
Publishing Year 2003
Publishing Place JPPI VOL IX(4), tahun 2003
Collation 19-24
Abstract/Notes The grouper, Epinephe/us fuscoguttatus is a coral fish, found in a group, grows fast, survives in limited environments and tidal ponds. The problems in seed production and intermediate culture were high mortality widely experienced due to
virus, parasite and cannibalism. Intensive feeding is an alternative strategy to reduce cannibalism. One technique in intermediate culture for reducing cannibalism was intensive feeding regime. The purpose of this experiment was to
find the best feed for growth and to reduce cannibalism of the juveniles as well as to obtain the highest survival rate. The tiger grouper juveniles with the length 5,38
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