Infeksi Iridovirus pada induk Kerapu Lumpur (Epinephlus coioides;

Collection Location Balai Besar Riset Budidaya Laut dan Penyuluhan Perikanan Gondol Bali
Call Number
Author(s) Agus Prijono
Isti Koesharyani
Ketut Mahardika
Kei Yusa
Series Title
GMD Text
Language Indonesia
Publishing Year 2003
Publishing Place JPPI VOL IX(1), tahun 2003
Collation 49-54
Abstract/Notes Orange spot grouper, Epinephe/us coioides is a fast growing fish, it can be
cultured in controlled environment, highly tolerant to salinity and it can be
cultured in tidal ponds. High mortality was widely experienced due to virus,
. parasite and cannibalism. Intensive feeding is an alternative to reduce
cannibalism. The purpose of this experiment were to find the best feed for
grow out and to reduce cannibalism of the juveniles as well as to obtain the
highest survival rate. The juvenile were stocked at 50 pes/tonk in 1000 I tank
with working volume of 700 liters, and 500% turn-over rate. The treatment were
(A) pelleted feed, (B) chopped fish, ond (C) mysid. Complete randomized
design with triplicates used in this experiment. The grow-out, conducted in 6
weeks with length, weight and survival rate were observed every other week.
Cannibalism pattern was noted everyday while water quality for temperature,
pH, salinity, nitrate annd phosphate were checked every week. Result
showed that final growth were 2,53, 1 .3S and 0.78 for mysid, chopped fish and
pellet feed, respectively. Final length were not significantly different i.e. 4.06
cm (pellet), 4.18 cm (chopped fis), and 5.54 cm (mysid). The highest survival
rate (the lowest cannibalism) was found in group of mysid fed juveniles.

Key Word: Juvenile, orange spot grouper, Growth rate, survival, cannibalism
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