Indonesian aquaculture journal vol. 7 number 2, 2012

Collection Location
Call Number JUR 241-02B
ISBN/ISSN 0215-0883
Author(s) Indonesia. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Budidaya
Subject(s) Perikanan Budidaya
Classification JUR 241-02B
Series Title
GMD Text
Language English
Publisher KKP-Badan Riset Kelautan dan Perikanan
Publishing Year 2012
Publishing Place Jakarta
Collation iii, 87-181hal.; ilus.; 23cm.
Abstract/Notes Propolis, the alternative natural material for sex reversal in tilapia, Expression of antiviral gene on tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon at different tissue and body size, Study or vertebral morphogenesis of cobia larvae by double staining methods, The digestive tract development of the tiger grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus larvae treated with thyroxine hormone, Effect of current velocity on filtration and ingestion rate of pearl oyster, Histological study on internal organs development of mangrove snapper, Lutjanus argentimaculatus larvae, Distribution of tropical eel genus anguilla in Indonesia water based on semi-multiplex PCR, The impact of fasting periods on food intake, growth rate, compensantory growth, and efficiency of feed utilization in blue tilapia reraed in brackish water ponds
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