Indonesian aquaculture journal volume 8 number 1, 2013

Collection Location
Edition volume 8 number 1, 2013
Call Number JUR 241-03 A
ISBN/ISSN 0215-0883
Author(s) Indonesia.Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan Budidaya
Subject(s) Akuakultur
Perikanan Budidaya
Classification JUR 241-03 A
Series Title
GMD Text
Language English
Publisher Pusdatin - KKP
Publishing Year 2013
Publishing Place Jakarta
Collation iv, 99hal.; ilus.; 23cm.
Abstract/Notes Influence of dietary phytic and phytase on growth, digestibility, and vertebral phosphhorus of juvenile Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, Interaction between dietary mineral and phytase on biological performances of Japanese flounder, Paralichtys olivaceus Part I Growth, feed intake dan whole, The optimal ratio of nile tilapia and common carp for improving productivity on deep water pond, Heritability for growth related traits in giant freshwater prawn at various developmental stages and culture conditions estimated by intraclass correlation, Specifity of haemolysin and gyrase gene marker for rapid detection of vibriosis on penaeid shrimp, The study on mangrove litters as a source of nutrients for Blanakan mangrove pond, Subang, WEst Java, Electron microsopic analysis of enlarged cells derived from red sea bream iridovirus infected cultured grunt fin cells, PCR-DGGE method for microflora alteration in shrimp digestive organ following Lactobacillus administrationColour quality enhanced on goldfish juvenils through shrimp head meal enriched in feed, New megalocytivirus infecteed to the cultured fresh water giant gourami
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