Catch rate and catch composition of trawl-fish net in arafura sea, Hook rates and composition of bottom longline catch in the waters of sea arafura, A study on coral reefs and fish in watubela island, east cerem, moluccas, biolimnology of abandoned coal mining pits, RNA/DNA analysis of humpback Grouper Cromileptes altivelis FRY, Effect of soybean meal as subtitution of fish meal in diet on the hrowth of humpback Grouper, (Cromileptes altivelis) Juveniles, Effect of dietary protein lvl on growth and feed efficiency of juvenile tigre grouper Epinephelus, prolonged and oral transmission of viral nervous necrosis in humpback grouper (Cromilepts altivelis) juvenile, Individual ,arking catfish with alcian blue day by a jet inoculator technique.