Domestic wastewater treatment in developing countries

Collection Location Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan Jakarta
Call Number 628.3 MAR d
ISBN/ISSN 1844070204
Author(s) Mara, Duncan
Series Title
GMD Text
Language English
Publisher earthscan
Publishing Year 2003
Publishing Place united kingdom
Collation xvi, 293 hlm.; ilus
Abstract/Notes The primary emphasis of the book is on low-cost, high-performance, sustainable domestic wastewater treatment systems. Most of the systems described are natural systems-so called because they do not require any electromechanical power input. The secondary emphasis is on wastewater re-use in agriculture and aquaculture-after all, it is better to use the treated wastewater productively and therefore profitably, rather than simply discharge it into a river and thus waste its water and its nutrients.
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