1. Fishery Resources in the West Coast of Aceh After Tsunami: Results of the Bottom Trawl Surveys
2. Analizing Density and Environmental Factor of Java Sea Pelagic Fish Using Catch, Remote Sens-
ing, and Hydro Acoustic Data
3. Size Distribution of Pelagic Fishes in the Java Sea by Means of Target Strength Analysis
4. Coral Fish Population Changes in the Surrounding Artificial Reefs of the Lebah Coastal Waters,
rangasem, 8ali
5. Growth and Condition Factor of Rainbow Selebensis (Telmatherina celebensis Boulenger) in Lake
Towuti, South C~lebes
6. Isolation and Enzymatic Fragmentation of Genomic DNA from Uncultured Microbial Symbionts of
Theonella sp. Sponge as Prerequisite for Metagenomic Library Construction