Fish reproductive biology : Implications for asessment and management

Collection Location Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan Jakarta
Call Number 639.3.03 FIS
ISBN/ISSN 9781405121262
Author(s) Jakobsen, Tore
Fogarty, Michael J.
Megrey, Bernard A.
Moksness, Erlend
Subject(s) Ikan -- Reproduksi
Series Title
GMD Text
Language English
Publisher Blackwell Publishing
Publishing Year 2009
Publishing Place united kingdom
Collation ix, 429 hlm.
Abstract/Notes The overall goal of this book is to give a picture of the present use information on fish reproductive biology in assessment and management and its potential for improving management of these resources. Compiled by an international team of authors, each an expert in their field, this exceptional volume its divided into three major sections:
Biology, population dynamics, and recruitment
information critical to successful assessment and management
incorporation of reproductive biology and recruitment considerations into management advice and strategies.
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