Managerial economics and business strategy

Collection Location Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan Jakarta
Call Number 334 BAY m
ISBN/ISSN 9780071267441
Author(s) Baye, Michael R.
Subject(s) Ekonomi
Series Title
GMD Text
Language English
Publisher Mc Graw Hill Companies
Publishing Year 2010
Publishing Place Singapore
Collation xxxii, 621 hlm.
Abstract/Notes This book contain about : the fundamentals of managerial economics, market forces: demand and suply, quantitative demand analysis, the theory of individual behaviour, the production process and costs, the organization of the firm, the nature of industry, managing in competitive, monopolistic, and monopolistically competitive markets, basic oligopoly models, game theory: inside oligopoly, pricing strategies for firms with market power, the economics of information, advanced topics in business strategy, a manager's guide to government in the marketplace, challenges at time warner.
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